Versuri > Delia, The Motans

Versuri The Motans feat. Delia – Weekend (engleza) lyrics

Weekend in engleza versuri Delia, The Motans

I love you to the moon and back ha, that’s for the kids,
We could reach the moon whenever we wanted, and you know that
We used to bathe in pool of love every single day
As if we had some kind of membership

I love you to hell and back
That’s if I’m lucky enough to even come back
I love you down to the harshest sins,
But you keep me away from those

And I didn’t make any reservations to Paradise
I paid my way there, but when I got there, it was already closed
But I did carefully prepare for us and us only
A sky, a sunrise, a blanket for two…

Monday to Thursday, that’s out of the calendar
Now I want you to be with me, and turn my life into art
I want sink in your kisses, melt away, lose myself
I want to hide in your eyes, dive in their ocean

I want you all for me, and I want you now
Wearing nothing but some lipstick and your perfume
I want to cover your naked breasts, slowly,
With sweet kisses and figures of speech
I know, “I want” sound too vulgar
But it’s just because I lost my patients
I’m swept off my feet every time I see you
Just like a kid who sees the sea for the first time

And I didn’t make any reservations to Paradise
I paid my way there, but when I got there, it was already closed
But I did carefully prepare for us and us only
A sky, a sunrise, a blanket for two…

Monday to Thursday, that’s out of the calendar
Now I want you to be with me, and turn my life into art
I want sink in your kisses, melt away, lose myself
I want to hide in your eyes, dive in their ocean

Monday to Thursday, that’s out of the calendar
Now I want you to be with me, and turn my life into art

I want sink in your kisses, melt away, lose myself
I want to hide in your eyes, dive in their ocean

And we walk through life barefooted,
Like two kids on the beach, in summer
Hand in hand we finally reached
The shore where all words are useless…

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