Versuri Surorile Osoianu – Prin valea umbrei mortii (The Last of Us Part II) lyrics
I’m walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
I have no fear of evil
Because I’m blind, blind to everything
My mind and gun bring me comfort
I know I will destroy when the enemies come
Goodness and mercy will follow me
Forever on this earth
How long my life will last
Forever on this earth
Sad I sit by the calm waters
To find my soul
I can’t keep the right path
Because I know for sure, I’m sure I’m wrong
At the edge of a hill
I met a man one night
He told me he would save us from harm
Since then the salvation has risen
How long my life has lasted
Forever on this earth
Forgive me, my pain
And the loss of a loved one
But I smiled bitterly
I asked myself
How can you save the one who does not want to be saved
Going through the life of death
I’m not afraid of the devil
I return to the waters to find my soul
I return to the waters to find my soul
But I know that when I die
Lost forever and alienated
My soul will be
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