Versuri > Sigrid

Versuri Sigrid – Feed the Flame lyrics

Feed the Flame versuri Sigrid

Dying inside, surrendering the fight,
The pain – still there.
Crying inside, not finding your own light,
No, you know it’s not fair.
But you know the end is yet to come
And you crumble down
You cry inside, you have to shine again.

Climbing and trying it all,
But you hit the wall that won’t break.
Scream and crawl…
But don’t you ever leave your path behind.
Till death you will fight,
Don’t you ever hide your light.

Did you ever get lost in the back of your mind
And never returned?
Then you hit the ground, another round begins…
You must pull through!
Don’t you ever walk out on a fight.
They might bit you down
But they can never take your pride!

On the darkest of your days
Remind yourself that
Life has always many ways
Of telling you that
You have to be strong
And you have to believe
You must carry on
And feed your flame
But never stay down
Regardless of the pain… move on!

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