Versuri > Said The Sky

Versuri Said The Sky – Change Your Mind ft. Vancouver Sleep Clinic lyrics

Change Your Mind versuri Said The Sky

You move like cinematic
Left your trail of magic
Keeping me alive
I want it til I have it
Now I can’t imagine
Leaving you behind

If I could only turn back time
I would bring us back to life
If I could only change your mind
We’d stay young and never die

I made my mistakes and
I can never face them
Running out of fight
But you’d illuminate all
Of the darkest places
If I could change your mind

If I could only turn back time
I would bring us back to life
If I could only change your mind
We’d stay young and never die

If I could only change your mind
We’d stay young and never die

I keep getting these waves of nostalgia
Things I haven’t even been through or seen
But the feeling comes and hits me
All I can do is wonder

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