Versuri > Nicolle

Versuri Nicolle – You (Romanian Version) lyrics

You (Romanian Version) versuri Nicolle

You and you and you
I’m sorry about you
You and you and you
I’m lonely without you

Tu şi eu, doar eu îmi amintesc
Când îmi spuneai mereu că mă iubeşti
Acum e mult prea târziu, prea târziu
Ne vorbeam
În lumea ta doar eu eram
Un vis frumos doar noi trăiam
Ai rupt o parte din mine
Sunt fără tine

You and you and you
I’m sorry about you and you and you
You and you and you
I’m lonely without you
You and you and you
I’m sorry about you and you and you
You and you and you
I’m lonely without you
Yeah (x2)

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Versuri Nicolle – You