Versuri > Milo Manheim, Trevor Tordjman

Versuri Milo Manheim, Trevor Tordjman – I’m Winning (ZOMBIES 2) lyrics

I'm Winning versuri Milo Manheim, Trevor Tordjman

It is my mission.
We got a goal in mind
Save our tradition
That is the bottom line
We’re always winnin’.
Look how the trophies shine
You’re going down, bury you back underground
I’m the one who stands up for the people
I embrace diversity., treat everyone as equal
Zed is thoughtful., he’s a natural born leader
Thanks, true
And if ya think about it. Bucky is neither
Yo, I will win this race
I’m a cheer rock star, mirrors love my face
Your ego made your head so big you can’t see
You got no shot to beat me

I know ya hear me, if ya with me stand up
No way you win if you go against us
In pictures we’re more glamorous.
Ya wanna battle with the best, good luck
Let’s go! Hey!
You need a leader.
Who looks out for the crowd
Then I’m winning
Someone that will make you proud.
Then I’m winning.
There through the ups and downs
I’m winning.
Let me hear you scream it loud.
I’m winning
I challenge an old way of thinking
Yo! I know I’d be a much better president
Tell ’em your reasons
I’m a real human, there’s no danger in that
They’re real monsters, what if they turn back?
We aren’t monsters, man, we win the football games
We joined the cheer squad., monsters wouldn’t do those things.
We got a good attitude
Dude, you eat brains
If I did you don’t have one so you’d be safe
Ohh, zigna do dinga badda do
Bidda ba dida bow, deda zaga dada doo, ahh
You’re all weird and strange
We are here for change.
We need a President who will do whatever it takes
Look we can go back and forth. but in the end its fact.
You’re a monster and you can’t debate that
Yo! Hey!
I know ya hear me, if ya with me stand up
No way you win if you go against us
I know we’ll be victorious
Ya wanna battle with the best, good luck
Let’s go!
You need a leader. who looks out for the crowd
Then I’m winning.
Someone that will make you proud
.Then I’m winning.
There through the ups and downs
I’m winning.
Let me hear you scream it loud.
I’m winning
You wanna change Seabrook, aha, I knew it
Yeah, for the better
How’s it better to have zombies at Prawn?
Our dance game strong
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Zombie tongue at Seabrook? Graba gaba zigna
I think I’d make a fine President too., thanks for the compliment.
I think ya like zombie as a second language, it’s an easy A
What’s next – more zombie dates on calendar?
More holidays
Whoa, whoa
And as added perk
If I’m President., no more homework
You need a leader. who looks out for the crowd
Then I’m winning.
Someone that will make you proud
I’m winning
There through the ups and downs
I’m winning.
Let me hear you scream it loud.
I’m winning
You need a leader. who looks out for the crowd
Then I’m winning.
Someone that will make you proud
I’m winning
There through the ups and downs
I’m winning.
Let me hear you scream it loud.
I’m winning

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