Versuri > Gramofone

Versuri Gramofone – Small Talk lyrics

Small Talk versuri Gramofone

He opened the door and then knocked
“There are things you should.
And things you should not.”

“Education is the key.”
said the man.
always have a backup plan!”

These are the rules.
You play along!
I’m big,
You’re small.
I’m right,
You’re wrong!

He said “Listen!”
but i tuned out when he talked.
“There are things you should.
And things you should not.”

It’s not quite a surprise
to find love behind disapproving eyes.

You’re a big boy now.
Everyone agrees.
Playtime’s over,
get a job!
Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Small Talk lyrics ♪ tiktok clean Letra de la canción Small Talk ♪ Versuri Small Talk

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