Versuri El Chombo – Dame Tu Cosita (english) lyrics
Give it to me, ah ah
Give it to me, ah oh
Give it to me, ah ah
Give it to me, ah oh
Give it to me, ah ah
Give it to me, ah oh
Give it to me, ah ah
Give it to me, ah oh
Give it to me, ah ah
Give it to me, ah oh
Chombo the crypt number two
Chombo the crypt number two
Chombo the crypt number two
Chombo the crypt number two
They were celebrating
They said that I was falling
The ‘they were not saying
Slowly they are dying, good
They were celebrating
They said that I was falling
The ‘they were not saying
Slowly they are dying, good
They were celebrating everyone out there
On the street and disco
But new bring me something here
Stronger in the second crypt
They were celebrating everyone out there
On the street and disco
But new bring me something here
Stronger in the second round
Dame Tu Cosita in english lyrics ♪ tiktok clean Letra de la canción Dame Tu Cosita in english ♪ Versuri Dame Tu Cosita in english