Versuri > Dodie

Versuri dodie – Special Girl lyrics

Special Girl versuri Dodie

It’s not my fault
I was raised by open mouths and teary eyes
passive wistful lullabies
I found my worth in this world by proving I’m a special girl
time and time again

Sweet, sweet irony
could not care less if you love me,
But hate me first, yeah make me work;
that’s perfect.

Baby I’m a funny thing,
I’m walking if it doesn’t sting
heartbreak only means that it was worth it.

Oh, I think
I was doomed before I began
mmm sorry; I just know the way that I am

Oh well.

So this is it now
twenty four, I still count everyone I kiss;
the bitter ones still taste the best.
Talk and tap to find a crack
prise open till my nails turn black
time and time again

Sweet, sweet irony
could not care less if you love me,
But hate me first, yeah make me work;
that’s perfect.

Baby I’m a funny thing,
I’m walking if it doesn’t sting
heartbreak only means that it was worth it.

Oh, I think
I was doomed before I began
mmm sorry; I just know the way that I am.

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